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Ford Madox Ford


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  • She calls Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier a “masterpiece, almost a perfect novel.”

    Smiley's Guide to the Novel- A Cure for What Ails You 2005

  • She calls Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier a “masterpiece, almost a perfect novel.”

    Smiley���s Guide to the Novel��� A Cure for What Ails You 2005

  • Robert Lowell called Ford Madox Ford's "The Good Soldier" the best French novel in the English language.

    A Yiddish Novel With Tolstoyan Sweep 2009

  • Ford Madox Ford compared Hemingway's early style to seeing white pebbles on the bed of a clear stream.

    The Slow Crack-Up Allan Massie 2011

  • Tinker Tailor… (cold war nostalgia); the latest episodes of Downton Abbey (Great War nostalgia); the BBC's forthcoming adaptation of Ford Madox Ford's masterpiece, Parade's End (ditto); and the "Great" (Britain) campaign just launched by the prime minister in New York suggest a society apparently fixated on the stories and images of past glory.

    Is our culture too much in thrall to the past? 2011

  • The novelist Ford Madox Ford praised the perfection of Hemingway's pure, skeptical and stoical style by observing, "his pages have the effect of a brook-bottom into which you look down through the flowing water."

    Hemingway's Achievement Jeffrey Meyers 2011

  • 'This is the saddest story I have ever heard, says the narrator, John Dowell, at the beginning of Ford Madox Ford's masterpiece about the disintegration of two marriages.

    Deathless Accounts Of Mourning Adam Haslett 2011

  • Based on the series of novels from Ford Madox Ford, the miniseries follows the story of a conservative English aristocrat (Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock) who finds himself in a love triangle with his wife (Rebecca Hall) and a young suffragette.

    HBO Orders World War I Miniseries Parade's End 2011

  • The novelist Ford Madox Ford praised the perfection of Hemingway's pure, skeptical and stoical style by observing, "his pages have the effect of a brook-bottom into which you look down through the flowing water."

    Hemingway's Achievement Jeffrey Meyers 2011

  • That's in letter No. 157 of the 900 letters reproduced in "Ezra Pound to His Parents," the latest collection of his correspondence—there are already books devoted to his correspondence with James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Ford Madox Ford, his future wife Dorothy Shakespear, his patron Margaret Cravens, the Little Review and more.

    Filial Piety Made New Helen Carr 2011


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